CACFP Quilt Project
As CACFP Sponsors, it is time once again to begin work on reauthorization. Our last reauthorization helped remove block claiming, provided funding for educational materials, and supported physical activity in our programs.
In an attempt to secure our country’s leaders support for CACFP, we have developed the CACFP Quilt Project. You can help tremendously by distributing the attached template to your CACFP sites for participation. The adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words” says it all. It can take our complex program and convey its importance with a single image from our children. Wouldn't your CACFP children want their pictures in Washington D.C.?
Step One: Get involved! Your children will love it!
Step Two: Click on the template below and have your children create a picture representing healthy foods or physical activities that they enjoy.
Step Three: Submit the images by mailing them to
Knowledge Universe Education
Attention: Jodi Kuhn, Subsidy Food Program
P.O. Box 6810
Portland, OR 97228-6810
In an attempt to secure our country’s leaders support for CACFP, we have developed the CACFP Quilt Project. You can help tremendously by distributing the attached template to your CACFP sites for participation. The adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words” says it all. It can take our complex program and convey its importance with a single image from our children. Wouldn't your CACFP children want their pictures in Washington D.C.?
Step One: Get involved! Your children will love it!
Step Two: Click on the template below and have your children create a picture representing healthy foods or physical activities that they enjoy.
Step Three: Submit the images by mailing them to
Knowledge Universe Education
Attention: Jodi Kuhn, Subsidy Food Program
P.O. Box 6810
Portland, OR 97228-6810
We will be assembling the imaes in virtual quilts to deliver to the next Capital Hill during the CACFP Leadership Conference March 1-3, 2015.
National CACFP Week: March 15-21, 2015Join us in participation in National CACFP Week by working with your parents and children and make a square for the CACFP Quilt Project to send to Washington D.C.