Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR)
What is CNR?
Every five years Congress has an opportunity to improve and strengthen CACFP and other child nutrition programs through the Child Nutrition Reauthorization. The last CNR that was passed by Congress was the 2010 Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHKFA). The current law expired in 2015, the child nutrition programs continue to operate. The CACFP is permanently authorized, so it continues to be funded. Other child nutrition programs that are not permanently authorized are funded through the annual appropriations process. Learn More Here.
How does CNR impact CACFP?
In addition to keeping the program funded, CNR, is a time in which advocates can educate Congress about the needs of the CACFP community and the families we serve. This is the time advocates talk about increased reimbursement rates, streamlining eligibility, administrative dollars for sponsors and allowing an extra meals to be claimed. These are just a few of the priorities outlined in FRACs CNR priorities.
The latest on CNR...
There were several bills introduced in 2019, Senator Casey's bill, directly addressed CACFP by improving area eligibility, allowing an extra meal, increasing reimbursement rates, reducing paperwork and so much more. Action on CNR has since stalled with the many things that are going on throughout the nation and the nation's capitol. Stay up to date with CNR here.
Last updated 11/10/2020