Past CACFP Forum Leadership Conferences
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Preconference Session:
USDA’s New Meal Patterns Implementation Training
USDA’s New Meal Patterns Implementation Training added Saturday, March 4, 2017
The CACFP Meal Patterns Training will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully implement the new healthier meal patterns. In addition, this training aims to increase your effectiveness and productivity, while implementing the updated meal patterns.
The CACFP Meal Patterns Training will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully implement the new healthier meal patterns. In addition, this training aims to increase your effectiveness and productivity, while implementing the updated meal patterns.
2017 CACFP Leadership Conference
CACFP Agenda-At-a-Glance
CACFP Agenda At- a- Glance 2016

Members of the Forum Board of Directors meeting with USDA Under Secretary Kevin Concannon at the Sunday night reception for attendees of the CACFP Leadership Conference, March 2, 2014. Pictured Front left: Ipek Taffe, The Planning Council; Susanna Reza, El Paso Human Services, USDA Under Secretary Kevin Concannon; James D. Weill, President FRAC; Marty Campolito, President National CACFP Forum; Carolyn Morrison, CACFP Forum. Back Row: Elyse Homel Vitale, CFPA; Samantha Daleiden Marshall, Child Care Info; Geri Henchy, FRAC; Chris Clark, CCFP Roundtable.
The National CACFP Leadership brings together leaders from the CACFP community to discover best practices, shape change, meet with USDA officials, and focus on opportunities for cutting red tape, building a thriving CACFP program, and making the most of the new nutrition and wellness requirements.
The National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference, co-sponsored by the Food Research & Action Center and Feeding America, and in cooperation with the National CACFP Forum, draws anti-hunger and anti-poverty advocates; federal, state and local government officials; child advocates; representatives of food banks and food rescue organizations; sponsoring organizations and nutrition and anti-obesity groups.
Members of Congress, Hill staff, and key Administration officials attend the conference, provide comments as part of plenary sessions and panels, and join participants at receptions and special events.
The three-day event is packed with numerous networking opportunities, interactive training, content-rich sessions, and a day on Capitol Hill to meet with Members of Congress and their key staffers. Participants share information and learn how to strengthen the quality and reach of federal nutrition programs, learn best outreach and program practices from other states and localities, fill in the gaps in food service for millions of low-income children, and identify creative ideas for new and innovative approaches to ending hunger.
The CACFP Leadership Conference is held in conjunction with the National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference.
The National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference, co-sponsored by the Food Research & Action Center and Feeding America, and in cooperation with the National CACFP Forum, draws anti-hunger and anti-poverty advocates; federal, state and local government officials; child advocates; representatives of food banks and food rescue organizations; sponsoring organizations and nutrition and anti-obesity groups.
Members of Congress, Hill staff, and key Administration officials attend the conference, provide comments as part of plenary sessions and panels, and join participants at receptions and special events.
The three-day event is packed with numerous networking opportunities, interactive training, content-rich sessions, and a day on Capitol Hill to meet with Members of Congress and their key staffers. Participants share information and learn how to strengthen the quality and reach of federal nutrition programs, learn best outreach and program practices from other states and localities, fill in the gaps in food service for millions of low-income children, and identify creative ideas for new and innovative approaches to ending hunger.
The CACFP Leadership Conference is held in conjunction with the National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference.