pro·fes·sion·al·ism prəˈfeSHənlˌizəm/ noun the competence or skill expected of a professional. "the key to quality and efficiency is professionalism" (of a person) engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
You probably have some aspirations of professional success in CACFP/Child Care. Success may be defined in different ways by different people, but being an informed and dedicated employee, a strong leader, and an honest person can all make a big difference in making you a successful professional in any career. No matter how you define your goals in CACFP/ChildCare, strengthening your professional skills, building professional relationships, and being a self-motivated professional can help you achieve success and satisfaction in your CACFP career.
- Strengthen your sales skills (yes sales, the Child and Adult Care Food Program staff are always selling providers, the public, partner organizations, vendors on CACFP.
- Exercise strong communication skills; Work on interpersonal skills; Learn leadership skills; Offer help without being asked; Show appreciation at every step;take an interest in coworkers;practice networking;Take resonsiblity for your actions;be selfmotivated;Learn to ask; Make goals. Volunteer for workgroups, join the CACFP conversations local or national. Support all three of the organizations that support CACFP by becoming a member and the aligned organizations as well.
- Here we will keep you updated with ideas about your CACFP professionalism.
- No matter what lets not forget to Strive for work-life effectiveness...
- Step up and do a CACFP presentation at a local, state or national conference as well as attend, or volunteer at them.
Trainings, Webinars and Conferences and Volunteer Opportunities are best places to add to your CACFP professional life.
have anything to add to these opportunities below or comments; email us @[email protected]
have anything to add to these opportunities below or comments; email us @[email protected]
New York
Workshops at
Webinars/Online Training |