What is the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act? The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act authorizes all of the federal school meal and child nutrition programs, which provide funding to ensure that low-income children have access to healthy and nutritious foods. The child nutrition programs touch millions of children each day, and improve educational achievement, economic security, nutrition and health.
Child Nutrition Progams Included:
In the House of Representatives, the House Education and the Workforce's Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education has jurisdiction over the child nutrition programs. In the Senate, the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry's Subcommittee on Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Food and Agricultural Research has jurisdiction over the programs. Who benefits from Child Nutrition Reauthorization? In 2014, 1.9 Billion meals were served in CACFP homes, centers and after school programs. Everyone. What happened in the last Child Nutrition Reauthorization? in December 2, 2010, the legislation expanded the availability of nutritious meals and snacks to more children in school, in outside school hours programs, and in child care. It also contained a number of provisions to improve the nutritional quality of meals served in schools and preschool settings and to simplify the application process for children and their parents. Read Full Primer FRAC’s Legislative Action Center In 2015 Congress was suppose to pass a law to reauthorize the Child Nutrition Act. The CACFP Community took action to obtain a strong Child Nutrition Bill for all. That did not happen, although 2 bills are introduced in the Ag Committee S.1883: Ask Your Senators to Co-Sponsor the Access to Healthy Food for Young Children Act H.R. 3886: Ask Your US Representative to Co-Sponsor the Early Childhood Nutrition Improvement Act S.1883: Ask Your Senators to Co-Sponsor the Access to Healthy Food for Young Children Act H.R. 3886: Ask Your US Representative to Co-Sponsor the Early Childhood Nutrition Improvement Act In 2016, The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill is no longer a strong Child Nutrition Bill. The “Improving Child Nutrition and Education Act of 2016” (H.R. 5003) was passed in the House May 18, 2016. Some say, Child Nutrition rolls back if this bill goes through as it stands. National CACFP Forum Summary of CACFP Provisions • No provision for an additional meal or snack from children in care for long hours. This bill fails to meet the nutritional needs for children in care for long hours. The House bill does not reflect the provision included in the Senate bill that allows child care centers and homes the option of serving an additional snack to children in care for long hours. There was one last try to get the additional snack in the bill. Representative Bonamichi (R-NY) introduced an amendment to include the additional snack in the bill but the committee voted it down. Concerning CACFP provisions included in the H.R. 5003 bill: • Unnecessary and duplicative annual budget reporting requirements are created for sponsors. • A problematic new requirement is created for all CACFP programs, whereby any “findings,” or errors they have been cited for, would be turned over to Health and Human Services (HHS). This could have a chilling effect on CACFP participation because it forces State CACFP agencies – and, in some cases, sponsoring organizations of afterschool programs and family child care homes – to report all findings, regardless of magnitude, to other agencies in the state. • Directs USDA to work with HHS to improve the health and safety oversight and monitoring for the CACFP including by issuing guidance to States to reduce duplicative monitoring and oversight practices among CACFP and child care programs. • Eliminates CACFP start-up and expansion funds, which support the development of quality child care with good nutrition through CACFP in rural and low-income areas. • Provides a weak year-round streamlining option that some states could choose to offer allowing summer food programs to receive CACFP rates and depending on the state plan some administrative streamlining.
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